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living room with coffee table, curtains, plants, rug

How To Choose the Right Area Rug Sizes for Living Room

Area rugs are a staple décor piece that effectively ties a space together, adding a bright touch, comfort, and warmth. The conscious decision to add an area rug can make all the difference when transforming a room. 

With their variety of colors and sizes, area rugs are subtle but regal ornaments that need to be a part of your living space. It’s also an ideal way to add character to your rooms. 

Choosing an area rug shouldn’t be done in haste, as you can pick the wrong size. You can avoid this by correctly measuring and determining which area rug size best fits your room layout and lifestyle. Learn helpful tips on how to choose the right area rug sizes for your living room.

What is a Good Area Rug Size for a Living Room?

living room space with rug, table, decorations


The right rug can breathe new life into an existing space and is a great choice if you want a piece that unifies your decorations. Before buying an area rug, let’s discuss some standard rug sizes you need to consider.

Standard Rug Room Size

The standard rug size for a living room is 160 cm x 230 cm. However, these standard rug sizes may still vary depending on the scale of your space.

160 cm x 230 cm 

160 cm x 230 cm are medium-sized rugs perfect for small living rooms. Alternatively, if you need an area rug with a bit more length and width but not stray too far from this ideal size, you may purchase 200 cm x 290 cm sized area rugs. 

These medium-sized rugs are something to strongly consider if you want a piece that’s not too overbearing or to serve as a focal point for your living room.

• 280 cm x 400 cm 

These large-scale rugs can cover the majority of big living room floor spaces while leaving enough space around the edges to tie together the room’s aesthetic. If you have a rather large living room, you want to use area rug sizes like 280 cm x 400 cm.  

If you want a rug similar in size but provides you with more space, you can choose to go with a smaller 240 cm x 340  cm area rug.

• 400 cm x 580 cm

You may consider purchasing a 400 cm x 580 cm-sized rug for extra large-scale spaces. These rare pieces are big enough to place your furniture on top while maintaining enough canvas for the rug’s design to be visible. When using these extra-large rugs, it’s best to aim for symmetry.

A 400 cm x 580 cm-sized rug adds balance to your space and works best when its color is neutral to your furniture and vice-versa. With these large-sized rugs providing a border, it’s much easier to place all your furniture entirely on the decorative piece. 

4 Tips on Choosing the Right Area Rug Sizes for a Living Room



Now that you know a couple of variations of a good-size rug. Let’s discuss actionable ways to choose the right rug size for your living room. 

• Orient the area rug to the shape of your living room

A rug to partner with your space and furniture is crucial to create a striking visual flow. The best living room rug size allows you to orient it according to the shape of your living room. You can place your rug lengthwise so the piece can echo the room’s dimensions. Living room rug sizes like these are beneficial if you have a long living room.

Aside from accentuating the dimensions of your lengthy living room space, orientable rugs make your area visually more prominent, especially when your furniture isn’t against a wall or is sectional.

• Allow a certain amount of floor space

The best rug sizes shouldn’t cover much of your living room floor space since most room layouts look better with a bit of the floor visible around the room’s edges. 

Ideally, there should be an allowance of 12 to 18 inches around the perimeter of your rug. By allocating enough space around your area rug, you can avoid making your space smaller than it appears.

• Visualize the placement of your area rug

The best way to identify the perfect area rug size for your living room is to pinpoint where you’ll place or decorate it. Consider measuring your floor space to better scope the rug size you want. You can use an adhesive such as masking tape as a measuring tool; just ensure it won’t damage the flooring.

Once you’ve marked out the area where you’ll place your rug, you can see its outline, giving you a visual guide to use as a reference before purchasing.

• Always go bigger

If you’re stuck between choosing a much larger or smaller rug, always choose the bigger option. Rugs are grounding pieces and shouldn’t be too small to resemble a postage stamp in the middle of your living room. There’s always a way around more oversized rugs, unlike small ones, where you can’t do anything to increase their size unless you layer them.

Moreover, a larger rug pulls the room together more effectively, allowing for more functional and easier furniture placement.

Finding the Right Fit

Rugs are vital pieces of décor that complement and even accentuate the aesthetic of your living room. However, picking suitable rug sizes is essential to maximize the rug’s full potential and help your space feel cohesive. For effective maintenance and preservation of your rugs, consider professional rug restoration and cleaning services. Refer to this article to transform your living room into the perfect area.

Are you looking for high-quality, luxurious rugs and carpets in the Philippines? Look no further than Eurobel Rugs + Carpets. Established in the 1980s, Eurobel is an industry leader in bringing warmth, and style to homes, offices, and living spaces by providing a wide array of stylish and carefully-designed areas. 

Visit Eurobel’s website to browse their area rugs on sale. You can also book a rug and carpet demo and see their products live in their rug showroom.

Gavin Ong is the current Marketing Manager for Eurobel Rugs + Carpets, the largest premium area rug brand in the Philippines. Eurobel’s sister company, Carpetworld, specializes in area rug distribution, which has over 50 consignment branches nationwide. He and the company also have great relations with multiple high-profile European manufacturers. Both brands', Carpetworld and Eurobel Rugs + Carpets, area rugs have also been used in multiple designer homes and commercial areas.

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