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Author: Gavin Ong

Posted by Gavin Ong

Your home is a blank canvas you can use to convey your style. Besides aesthetic pieces like paintings and ornaments, you can also do it with patterned carpets that blend versatility with subtlety and artistry with timeless elegance. With different carpet styles, you can seamlessly combine sophistication with a modern aesthetic to elevate the visual […]

Rugs are becoming more popular throughout the Philippines; however, many owners miss out on an essential rug accessory. Rug pads might not steal the spotlight, but they’re unsung protectors of your floors and rugs. These often-overlooked layers beneath are crucial for preserving your floor’s integrity and the rug’s longevity. They also function as a support […]

Clean carpets aren’t just a visual indulgence but also the cornerstone of a luxuriously comfortable indoor haven. They offer practical benefits, including better indoor air quality. Carpets deserve regular care to ensure they stay in the best shape. In doing so, you decrease the risk of allergens and illnesses. From understanding the right tools and […]

As a carpet owner, you understand that maintenance isn’t always easy. But it’s worth keeping your carpet clean to avoid excessive replacement costs or triggering allergic reactions. A source of stress for many carpet owners is carpet stains. Carpet stains come in many forms, from drink drops to dirt smears. Owning a pet or having […]

A fluffy carpet can add elegance to any interior. It can make your home feel inviting and chic. Unfortunately, their fibers weaken over time. Regular foot traffic and furniture can flatten a fluffy carpet’s fibers, diminishing its softness and appearance. Additionally, the carpet can trap dirt and loose fur, triggering allergic reactions. It’s important to […]

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